Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Where I Write About Nothing To Write And Actually Give You Tips!

It's finally happening, folks. I have nothing to blog.

When I opened this site two weeks ago, I had every intention to go back to blogging hardcore, like I did several years ago. I wanted to do it because there's always stuff in my head that needs to be written down. Expecially when I have this disease called "overthinking".

But there lies the problem. Sometimes, I have no will to write and I also have this disease called a "brain drain". Which is why something like Twitter (or a more private Facebook status update) helps with my thought process. But because I don't wanna fall off the wagon and start missing doing daily entries during the weekdays, I'm forcing myself to think of something to write.

This most common problem happens to the best of us: I have no shit to write about. So, what do I do? I write about having nothing to blog, hoping maybe it will get me out of this rut.

I thought I should come up with tools I use to help me source out topics and, here goes:

NOTEBOOK (using real paper)

I keep a little notebook in my bag at all times. I know many gadgets have this notebook feature. I have it on the smartphone, the tablet and the computer...because it's 2012 and almost 2013, we need to get used to the digital age. But I find that relying in apps on those gadgets makes me lazy.

I need an actual notebook; having to use a pen to write, or flipping paper pages to fill it out, or getting my top caught in its wires (one too many!!!). It has to be old-school realistic. Somehow, it reminds me of having to accomplish those daily assignments we all used to do in school (remember?). I need discipline like that to keep writing.

I learned about keeping notebooks a few years ago, reading seasoned bloggers who do this professionally. One of them said that having a notebook helps when a thought strikes, for she could immediately write the gist of it down, wherever she is, and expound on it later when she's on the computer.

My notebook has no gists or really anal stuff like that, but it has a list of topics. I had planned on doing blog entries about these topics, only even before I could, I've edited myself out and crossed it off my list.

I think that there are certain topics that would not be necessary to blog about anymore, like what's for dinner or what cute stuff I've bought, and where I last went...when there's my Instagram for those. This pretty much means that, for the moment, my notebook is useless then, huh? Although I would still like to keep it inside the bag. Because one day, I may actually need it and follow through that discipline I was talking about earlier.


Aside from jotting down topics on a handy notebook, I bookmark pages I browse on the internet to use as reference for writing.

There's a nifty tool called Evernote that I used to abuse before. But I've since ditched it when the browser I am using incorporated this Evernote-like feature, minimizing my need for running one program too many on my computer.

These are what I've bookmarked currently, with the latest topics on top. --->

It's a long list of websites I could go back to  when I need to finally write something, or meet a deadline. This list is partly fluff and partly important, work-related and non-work related, since unfortunately, unlike Evernote, this browser-ready feature doesn't have folders where I could organize what I've bookmarked into categories.

But it's still pretty efficient and I would recommend bookmarking and clipping to anyone who wants to get on track with writing.


Most people think Facebook is the devil. You could get lost in this site for hours doing mindless stuff like gossiping, fighting with someone over a silly status post, sending out passive-aggressive thoughts and stalking...among other things.

If there's one feature I like about Facebook is in following virtually any type of page that's on it.  These pages are goldmines of source materials for what to write about.

I think I have more than 1500 Pages "liked" now and I still browse over the suggestions Facebook provides because there could be something interesting there.  It has helped me lots of times with work, in fact.

To organize all these pages, I make use of Facebook's Interest feature. Don't know how to do it? Here's how (click photo to enlarge):

How to create an INTEREST list on Facebook

I basically picked this from one of the pages I follow, so see, being on Facebook can be productive and proactive!

And there it is...I finally was able to do today's blog entry! :D And even dished out tips. HAH!!

So, what about you, what do you do when you're stuck in a rut and can't begin writing?

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