Monday, December 31, 2012

Challenge Extended: Positivity 2013, Will You Accept?

In college, someone once said to me that she always liked that I had so much "positivity". I didn't know what she meant back then. Did I giggle a lot in class? Was I overbearingly complimenting every thing I see? "Positivity" didn't used to have so much meaning back then because being 18, it was fairly easy to coast through the challenges life had to throw.

On the last few days of 2008, I went through one tough challenge. It felt like ten truckloads of ice were dumped on me. I faced New Year 2009, and several months after that, feeling my world ended and the future was bleak and ugly. My battle scars from that challenge remain, but these hardly bother me now. I know I got through fine because I went through a period of soul-searching and finally understood what "being positive" meant.

I found resiliency I didn't know I had in me that other challenges I've faced since then are usually settled with me feeling unfazed and unruffled. Positivity made me reasonably stronger and focused.  And I've become a firm believer of "shaping your life for the better, if you constantly think happy thoughts."

This isn't to say that I had to live in delusion and denial during those tough times. I could write something about that in the future, but for now, with the year ending and 2013 merely hours away, I'm posting this challenge to anyone who will accept:

I found this bit in one of the self-help/happiness pages I subcribe to on Facebook and I know that this may seem fairly easy to the beginning. But, you know, what have we got to lose by doing this? I think it's a good way to motivate people.

To make it more fun, I proposed to a couple of friends to throw in a few hundred bucks each time we put a note in our jar. So that, by the end of the year, we'd have little money saved up to use...for whatever. (Shopping money, wheee!)

I'm actually very excited to do mine, that  the possibility of me slacking with this activity by the middle of the year, is something I'm trying not to get into. (POSITIVE THOUGHTS, dude!)

I didn't get an empty jar per se. Instead, I am making use of this old canister... coz I like that it has PRETTY FLOWERS.  And I'm gonna have to put that as one of my first notes! See? I'm starting with something positive already!

So, are you up for the challenge? I'm gonna be checking back in a couple of months for progress! Deal?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

This Downtime is Brought To You By...

I haven't blogged in three days! Guess I'll just have to throw this "goal to blog every weekeday" out of the window.

Most people are taking a holiday break now. I'm actually on break most weekdays. My to-do list is pretty empty, save for a couple of manageable deadlines and routine housework (the life of a WAHM!).

I think I'm finally getting the rhythm back with new schedules and stuff to do, especially after that unexpected transition last month that came with a few hitches thereafter.

So, this is how it's gonna be now.

I'm taking it all in.

Thus, the downtime.

Be back in a few...

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Reflections on the Newtown Tragedy

Yesterday, I woke up knowing that the world is a lot less safe. We all did.

We woke up to a world where 20 innocent children, between the ages of 6 and 7, will never get to celebrate Christmas in Newtown, Connecticut.  Their parents will never get to hug them anymore, or see them grow up to be who there were supposed to be.

As a mom, it's very hard to imagine what these kids' parents will have to face for the rest of their lives. As a human being, it's difficult to process how someone can do a heartless and brutal thing like that.

Within minutes after the news broke, the issue on gun ownership in America is once again raised. Numbers and statistics are argued upon, proving or disproving the (constitutional) "right to bear arms" in the land of the free.

I won't pretend I know what their laws about guns are in the US, nor get into its long and painful history. There have been plenty of solid arguments, for and against the phrase you've probably heard a lot of since yesterday: "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." 

But I think that more than gun ownership and its acquisition, there are far bigger issues to this in that  ----  there is a need to change the attitude towards gun ownership and it relates to one's attitute towards aggression. And that change in attitude? It actually begins at home...
  • When we teach our children to learn how to handle disapointments, anger and frustration.
  • When we teach our children how to relate and understand what these feelings are.
  • When we teach our children the consequences of resorting to violence. 
  • When we acknowledge our children with love and recognition, especially when they are not behaving their best. 
Society evolves and so some laws must change.  This is why there are people pushing for stricter laws to buying guns, believing that this can help minimize mass killings and deaths.

But the children? With or without these laws set, they will continue to be overwhelming exposed to different types of what's wrong with the world today. They will see violence in the media. They will deal with their own failures and dissatisfaction. They will be confronted with the challenges of life.  This goes back to an earlier post I've made on becoming resilient in light of the many disappointments we all encounter.  And I believe that the best way to protect our children from getting in harm's way, doing harm and causing in educating and guiding them.

Without proper rearing especially during childhood, an adult can unpredictably snap and may find himself holding a weapon ---- a gun, a knife or his bare hands --- and committing an act of terror. A study on human behavior outlined something like this, in trying to understand why people end up doing the unfathomable.

This is not to disregard that gun control isn't the problem, because it really is. But this Newtown tragedy is something many parents, like me, can learn from. And the way I see it is that it really comes back to the basic: a parenting issue.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

I Know What Anne Hathaway is Getting From Santa For Christmas!

Ho! Ho! Ho! Is this gonna be on Santa's nice list or naughty list?

I'm talking about that curious incident that happened to Anne Hathaway at the New York premiere of her new film Les Miserables. "Little Anne Hathaway" decided to show up and the paparazzi had a field day! And by little Anne Hathaway,  I mean....ehhh, you know what I mean! It was all over the news!

The next day (and night), Anne was all over American TV saying how mortified she was that it happened, while managing to also talk about her movie. Pretty convenient, huh?

She said in a morning show:
"It kind of made me sad on two accounts. One was that I was very sad that we live in an age when someone takes a picture of another person in a vulnerable moment and rather than delete it, and do the decent thing, sells it."

And I’m sorry that we live in a culture that commodifies sexuality of unwilling participants, which brings us back to Les Mis, that's what my character is, she is someone who is forced to sell sex to benefit her child because she has nothing and there's no social safety net."
Now, I love this girl. LOVE HER. With or without her panties.

But there are some points I'd like to raise from this...because, you know, it matters to the quality of my life. And yours. [/sarcasm]

First, I've kept tabs of her Saturday Night Live appearances, the three times she's hosted that show and I've seen most of her movies. (Did I mention that I love her? LOVE HER!) There's this one particular movie that stands out to me right now: Havoc, where she didn't seem to mind baring it...for the sake of art. So, I'm not so sure if she was such an "unwilling participant"--- as she said in the interview, in this one. (BTW, clever use of words --- "unwilling participant". It has the tone of a publicist!)  Anyway, to have her "commodified" wouldn't be so pitiful, nor right, nor wrong in this context. Because this is how the game called "Hollywood" works (where Hollywood = commodity). And I guess, she has to play it, if she wants to survive it, right? Work is work. Business is business.

I know, I will probably want to point out --- why would a movie like Les Miserables, with its powerhouse cast, resort to this type of publicity? I could be mistaken, but ...people have shorter attention span these days. We are easily distracted by a lot of things. We are doing ten things at the same time with our gadgets and our social media profiles. A movie like this? It's actually a hardsell.  Especially when not everyone appreciates musicals....and culture, for that matter. At least not a typical, average movie-goer. Les Miserables could be easily forgotten with the next scandal or hot news (named Kim Kardashian) swooping --- errr whoring --- the spotlight for their next 15 minutes. Because so much stuff is going on in the world already and we have 24/7 access to it, the hype around the movie has to be sustained. And how you do that? With stunts like this! Boom!

Second, why she wasn't wearing any undies is really not anybody's business. Not even her mom's. She can do whatever she pleases, no matter how many women will say it's uncomfortable to be without clothing down there. Thrush, cooties and whatnot? That's her problem!

However, anytime a woman steps out of her bedroom wearing no panties should be aware that anything can happen. Much so, if she's a woman stepping onto the red carpet knowing these paparazzi are gonna be crouched down to the ground with their zoomers zooming up the butt. I've learned this watching a little bit of TMZ 101. Apparently, Anne didn't. Not even after a similar incident with Paris, Britney and Lindsay. I'm not saying she brought this upon herself. Or that she shouldn't have forgotten her undies. All I'm saying is --- being aware, of yourself and your surroundings? Very important!

Third, I saw the photo without the pixelation and I dunno about you but... if you've seen one vagina, you've seen 'em all. Which is to say that, this exposure? Not really a big deal!  Only, the media is making it so. Why? Because she's gorgeous Anne Hathaway, with a high profile movie about to hit the theaters. Sleazy photographers will grab the opp to sell something audience (us!) will buy.

Which goes back to my first point: This is a stunt. That needs to trend and remain trending. It got people to talk, at least for a day (or two, or five).  And it will have people remember, at least until the movie starts its run and then people can talk about the movie then.

Meanwhile...Hollywood? The system wins again. Someone's definitely Ho! Ho! Ho-ing! all the way to the bank with this. $$$

The Family Without The Christmas Spirit

Unlike most houses everywhere, we still have no Christmas decorations in the house to this very day. In fact, we haven't done this for years. Or I haven't done this for years. I think I've stopped putting up decorations the year after my son became a pre-teen and was no longer thrilled by all the lights and colors. When I stopped doing this, no one seemed to mind the lack of decoration in the house, just as no one seemed to mind to help when I put it or clean it up afterwards. This year, the most you'll probably see anything "Christmas" in this house is through the placemats I'm planning to use on Christmas eve, and the lunch and dinner that will follow the next day.

Unlike most families everywhere, Christmas in our house is celebrated without presents that will be opened on Christmas eve. The gifts we have for each other will either be given as it is, with no wrappings or trimmings; or have been given way back in September. This year, my son actually knows what he's getting coz he's the one who chose it. There will be no pretty packages and no surprises. I find that celebrating Christmas with my boys? Not quite the production I get when I celebrate it with girlfriends or my big extended family.

On Christmas eve, we would eat Noche Buena like most families. Only, dining at 12 midnight is something we also do on some nights when one of the boys start craving for a midnight meal. So midnight feasts? Not something out of the ordinary.

There will be no parties and there will be no partying at other houses. Visits to friends or families will be done any other day. But on Christmas day? We're having a staycation, we're pigging out and settling on the bed with our gadgets and devices. We would all be hooked up to the internet or probably watching something on TV all day, as always.  Together, but each preoccupied with doing something else.

In fact, I will be working for 10 hours the day everyone is celebrating Christmas. It is not something I decided without consulting my boys, of course. But when I told them I've been asked to render 10 hours of work on Christmas Day, both my boys said to go ahead and do it...."We're all gonna be doing the same thing we do everyday on Christmas, anyway." 

My family's lack of enthusiasm for Christmas may be really weird for others. But it's the kind of "family tradition" that works for our small unit. Reunions, the crowded-but-fun Christmas parties (that I also enjoy, just not with my boys!)? My boys would be bored by it, to be honest.

The other day, my Mom was reminding my Dad, who is going to visit our hometown for Christmas, to not forget the gifts and the treats for family back there. What my Dad said, sounding slightly miffed at the reminder given to him the nth time, is perhaps the best way to describe what Christmas is really like for us, particularly our son, the husband and I. He said, "We always give them gifts and treats and do the same 'special' stuff even when it's not Christmas anyway, so what's the difference?"

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I Saw The Sign and so This is My Favorite Movie for 2012!

I watched Pitch Perfect a total of three times in about five days. Loved it. Loved it. Loved it.

I'd be so bold as to declare Pitch Perfect as my favorite movie of the year. But I admit that the storyline is quite thin and formulaic. That's forgivable, however, because the characters in this movie, despite the tropes and stereotypes, really shine and complement each other.

I love the energy and the vibe of the film. Anything that has dancing or singing in the plot is worth-watching for me. A bonus, if it makes me laugh, too.

But I really wasn't expecting to enjoy the movie this [                  ] much. Never mind if I've been singing Ace of Base's "I Saw The Sign" in my head a lot after watching.

Pitch Perfect stars Anna Kendrick who reminds me of a younger version of Tina Fey. I wasn't aware Kendrick could sing beautifully, or that she's a celebrated theater actress. I think I first saw her watching Up In The Air, where she worked with George Clooney, and I liked her performance there. But I also saw 50/50 and I barely remember her on it. With Pitch Perfect, though, I think I've just turned into her fan.

Equally surprising was finding out Brittany Snow and Anna Camp could also sing. I like these girls when I see them on TV.  I appreciate them better as performers now, knowing how musical they can be, too.

Apart from the singing, Pitch Perfect is a girly girl's movie featuring this blossoming romance between the lead character and a cute, perfect-boyfriend type of guy, who can also sing really well. Yet it's not nearly cheesy as many chick flicks are.  In fact, there were moments when I got the same feeling I had watching Say Anything, which is only the most romantic film in my book.

The movie also makes use of a reference to a scene from The Breakfast Club, which I think made this whole thing even more appealing to me.

I believe I'll be watching this movie a fourth, a fifth, or maybe a tenth time this holiday break, coz that's how much I really enjoyed it!

Here's a short trailer, if you haven't seen it yet:

Monday, December 10, 2012

Big Butts and Nail Polish, Who Would've Thunk It??

Oh, wow....I finally get to use the word "thunk" haha!

From the Urban Dictionary

I was browsing online when I saw this. Beautiful holiday shades, I thought. Perfect polish colors to wear for Christmas, I thought.

A closer look revealed that these lacquers are actually contained in a bottle that's shape like a woman's butt. Big, round butts. Shocking!

And the product is aptly called BOOTIE BABE. Ha! How...cheeky!

I can't seem to get passed the shape of the bottles. But they do offer really nice colors, I know I would wear it if I could get my hands on it. That is, after I stop giggling about the bottle. Because I am immature.

Seriously though, why would anyone think to use this container? Is it a prank product? A fetish? A sex toy?

According to this site, Bootie Babe is from Mark 'O Hara, a San Francisco-based designer and funk musician who used to be in a band called SuperBooty.  The band has since broken up. But back when they had gigs, O' Hara would often come up with band merchandise featuring a lady's derriere as its logo.

In designing Bootie Babe, he said he wanted something that would stand out. And he's quite right about that. Those bottles sure are different!

He says of his polish collection:
"Some women don’t appreciate this product because they think it’s sexist. But they love it in Brazil!”
 “My band was so silly. It would be great to bring a little levity to the beauty industry. Why can’t it just be fun?”
He's kinda right about that, too!

Time Magazine is said to be featuring the product this week, according to their Facebook page.

So, how about that? I suppose those butt bottles make this product quite interesting. But ultimately, it's the choices of colors and the quality of the lacquers that will make this sellable.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

What We Can Learn from That Prank That Went Royally Bad

You've probably read or heard this news this weekend. One of the nurses at the hospital where Kate Middleton stayed for a few days due to HG, committed suicide just two days after a prank was pulled on her and her co-nurses. This prank was done by two Australian DJs, "shock jocks" as they call them, whose program is known to do this sort of thing.

The nurse who took her life was the one who picked up the DJs' call and patched it through Kate's nurse. In other words, she wasn't able to screen the call, and so the other nurse thought they really were talking to the Queen of England and gave updates about their patien's condition.

Here's a proper report:

Cropped from Sky News

People have been too quick to blame the DJs for pulling this prank, being the instigators of what others say was a mean joke.  To a some extent, I would agree that the jocks are not completely blameless. However, this story has sprung so many other issues that made me realize a few things:

1) This is no longer the era of Candid Camera. This is the era of Twitter and Facebook; of social media where most "breaking news" happen even before legitimate news agencies have it.  The stunts pulled by pranksters today are bolder and more dangerous. And yet they continue to exist because there will always be someone who will "get" the joke and would want more of it.

Is it bad to like pranks? Most people would say it isn't nice to laugh at someone else's expense. While I admit that I get a kick out of watching Japanese prank videos on Youtube and I laugh really hard at how "Wow, Mali!" pull theirs, I would probably not be laughing if those happened to me. I don't know how it is on the radio, but I am aware that on television,  most of these shows normally have to ask their "victims" to sign a release before they can air it. But when something like this happens to you even if you don't consent to having it out in public, you still cannot take the experience of the humiliation back.

And when it's on the internet, it's there forever.

The game has changed for us now. Anything we do or say can actually be used against us with just a simple video upload or a photo update on Twitter.

People on the internet can sometimes get too carried away and make a big deal out of the littlest things. I'm fully aware of this, being a netizen who has bitten into the hype more than once. And that's the reason why campaigns like this exist.

2) We have lost sight of respect and compassion for others. By its very nature, pranks have all the intention of mischief.  By its definition, "mischief" is supposed to be just playful. You know... like how kids are being playful. It's supposed to be naughty but harmless, and that you'd have to have the tiniest bit of sense of humor to appreciate it.

But like I said, the pranks pulled today are so dangerous, lines can be crossed. Which is to say that our actions really have this ripple effect on other people.

We can never assume that the other person would be okay with what we do. What we can learn from this is that maybe before we actually pull something off, we need to think about its repercussions a million times. And then, if we clearly see that the other person is not okay with what's been done, then maybe the best thing to do would be to ask for discretion to avoid offending further.

3) We need to be armored with resiliency. Because humiliation can immediately go on a global scale, if our heart is too weak for it, the anguish of going through the motions can be truly unbearable, to the point that taking your own life may be the answer. flash:  life is already challenging long before the world changed. Unfortunate incidents happen and continue to happen to all of us. There will always be that person who will cross us and offend us. So what could be so, so bad that the only solution would be death?

Suicide, they say, is the act of the weak. And I would've believed that statement a few months ago, only I just recently lost a family friend because of it. It still baffles me a great deal, to this day.  Which brings me back to what I said earlier: we can never assume we know what the other person is going through.  What we've got to do, though, is learn how to cope with life's challenges, bounce back and pick up the pieces.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

All Boxed Up!

Have you subscribe to any of these box-y deals online? I dunno what you call it, but after the group-buying system that become such a hit last year (Groupon, Metrodeal, and so on), this is probably going to be next biggest buying concept that will spawn a lot of copies.

I first learned of this last year, while helping run a Gossip Girl site (in which case I had to live and breathe Gossip Girl stuff I could find anywhere on the internet). One such boxing service (seriously, what are they called???) released an exclusive box filled with beauty products apparently used by the girls on the show. Like so:

Photo Credit

I really liked the idea, but since it wasn't available here, I never paid attention to the nitty-gritty of the concept of these boxed freebies. (I still dunno what to call them!)

But we Filipino folks usually catch on pretty fast. Because we now have four of these services in our midst.

Take your pick!

Salad Box

Glamour Box


Sample Room

How it works is that you pay a certain fee monthly or for half the year,  and every month, you should receive a box of goodies or sample products from different health and beauty companies. Some of these boxes contain items of 4-5 or even more, costing over Php2000 if you buy them at stores. Membership is between Php450 to Php650 a month. I'm not sure if this includes the shipment fee, though.

From these four sites I've listed, only Sample Room requires no fee at all. But you get to try a product for FREE, as long as you have enough points to avail of it and if you pay the shipping cost. I'm already signed on to Sample Room, which debuted this week, but I haven't used my free points yet and will wait for the offering next month.

For the rest of sites (give me a term please!!!), I've read countless of blogs with their unboxing entries and photos of what are usually inside these boxes. You can google them up if you're curious. The sites also feature the products offered, by the way.

Most of the items are available locally, but some boxes do contain products I've never heard before, or are probably only seen at bazaars.

You can read up on how their system works by following the links below:

Sample Room - HOW IT WORKS
Glamour Box - HOW IT WORKS
Salad Box - HOW IT WORKS

They also have their own Facebook pages, so follow and like the page to get an idea.

Are you going to sign up?

What Would Lord Grantham Do?

I was supposed to be a part of a field trip today. And by field trip, I mean I was supposed to be part of this small blogger event.

We were invited to go to this plant tour somewhere in the south and I've been really looking forward to it because 1) I use a lot of this company's products, 2) I haven't been in a field trip for so long, there's something I know I can learn from this trip, and 3) after all these years, it's my first time to join something organized for bloggers, I could start networking then.

By 6 AM, I was prepared to leave the house to go to the directed meeting place. Only, the help I've been counting on to arrive early, never arrived at all.

Days prior to this, I've been asking the help if she was alright with the schedule and if it was okay for her to come to work really early. Each time I asked, she gave me a solid yes, so I didn't think we would have any problems.

I wouldn't be able to go if I couldn't find someone to be at the house. She knows that drill too well, having worked for me for awhile now. I needed her mostly because I really require someone to watch over my dogs when I'm not home. This sort of thing is what most people would probably consider as  #firstworldproblem. But like I mentioned in a previous entry, my dogs can be high maintenance and I couldn't gamble on leaving them just like that. Fortunately, this doesn't happen often because I have the husband and the son to rely on. But on this particular day, when the son has to be in school and the husband is still oversease,  I really, really needed help. And I was assured I will get help.

To cut the long story short, I was not able to go to the field trip. I didn't even receive any advise from the help until 3 PM today. Her excuse was lame, as expected. Something about her kids getting sick since Tuesday and how she's been neglecting them. Which I don't really understand because she comes in 4x a week only and works between 8:30am to 3:00pm.  This is the first time she's become unreliable and this has been her first no-show. So, what gives?

[/end rant]

Based on my conversation with her, it wasn't also clear whether she plans to return to work anymore. So I could probably be without any help for a while again. Most days, I could survive without a maid.  I like doing chores in the house. But these dogs we have, they take a lot from me, you know? So having someone else come to sub for me could do wonders for my sanity. I guess that's really what I'm paying them for.

Domestic problems are very common. We've all been there. We've all come up with decisive ways to deal with it. I seem to have one year after year, which only strengthens my belief that it's really hard to find good help nowadays.

I still don't know what my plan is with this helper situation. Do I even consider letting her come back or should I just find someone else and make new adjustments again? I really don't want to re-train someone and have her get used to the dogs and vice versa.

Oh, well.


Lord Grantham is the Earl of Downton Abbey, a fictional English aristocratic house with 20+ servants. Lord Grantham does not experience trivial problems like mine because when one servant is unavailable, he can just ask the 19 others on his beck and call. And he has only one dog, so....

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hyperemesis Gravidarum is the New Black

Sorry, that title isn't right. I know I shouldn't make light of the condition and see it as trivial when, according to a lot of women who have gone through Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG), it's a hundred times worse than a pregnant woman's usual morning sickness.

But the media is abuzz with HG these days, ever since the royal announcement was made to the world that Princess Kate is pregnant with the future King (or Queen) of England. But the announcement also said that she needed hospital stay at this stage in her pregnancy because she is suffering from Hyperemesis Gravidarum.

The news report from the BBC

Apparently, some women who've dealt with HG especially, are not too happy the media is calling this "acute", when HG can be very debilitating. Apart from the nausea and morning sickness that normally comes with pregnancy, the mother could suffer from malnutrition and HG could pose serious complications for both her and the baby. The condition can even last the whole pregnancy.

Kate Middleton
I didn't know about HG till this Kate Middleton report.  I didn't know a lot of pregnant women suffer from it, that there's actually a foundation to help them deal with the condition.

You think morning sickness is just what it is, with the intensity varying from one mother to another. I had normal episodes, thankfully. And I don't know anyone who's been through HG.

But for moms-to-be who've suffered through it, the experience is described as hellish, never "acute", and thus not something to be taken lightly.

Read more about Hyperemesis Gravidarum here. Novelist Charlotte Bronte was said to have died as a result of having HG.

I wonder how many pregnant Filipino women go through HG and if many Filipino families understand that this is not normal. Is our health care system reliable when it comes to treating moms with HG?

Where I Write About Nothing To Write And Actually Give You Tips!

It's finally happening, folks. I have nothing to blog.

When I opened this site two weeks ago, I had every intention to go back to blogging hardcore, like I did several years ago. I wanted to do it because there's always stuff in my head that needs to be written down. Expecially when I have this disease called "overthinking".

But there lies the problem. Sometimes, I have no will to write and I also have this disease called a "brain drain". Which is why something like Twitter (or a more private Facebook status update) helps with my thought process. But because I don't wanna fall off the wagon and start missing doing daily entries during the weekdays, I'm forcing myself to think of something to write.

This most common problem happens to the best of us: I have no shit to write about. So, what do I do? I write about having nothing to blog, hoping maybe it will get me out of this rut.

I thought I should come up with tools I use to help me source out topics and, here goes:

NOTEBOOK (using real paper)

I keep a little notebook in my bag at all times. I know many gadgets have this notebook feature. I have it on the smartphone, the tablet and the computer...because it's 2012 and almost 2013, we need to get used to the digital age. But I find that relying in apps on those gadgets makes me lazy.

I need an actual notebook; having to use a pen to write, or flipping paper pages to fill it out, or getting my top caught in its wires (one too many!!!). It has to be old-school realistic. Somehow, it reminds me of having to accomplish those daily assignments we all used to do in school (remember?). I need discipline like that to keep writing.

I learned about keeping notebooks a few years ago, reading seasoned bloggers who do this professionally. One of them said that having a notebook helps when a thought strikes, for she could immediately write the gist of it down, wherever she is, and expound on it later when she's on the computer.

My notebook has no gists or really anal stuff like that, but it has a list of topics. I had planned on doing blog entries about these topics, only even before I could, I've edited myself out and crossed it off my list.

I think that there are certain topics that would not be necessary to blog about anymore, like what's for dinner or what cute stuff I've bought, and where I last went...when there's my Instagram for those. This pretty much means that, for the moment, my notebook is useless then, huh? Although I would still like to keep it inside the bag. Because one day, I may actually need it and follow through that discipline I was talking about earlier.


Aside from jotting down topics on a handy notebook, I bookmark pages I browse on the internet to use as reference for writing.

There's a nifty tool called Evernote that I used to abuse before. But I've since ditched it when the browser I am using incorporated this Evernote-like feature, minimizing my need for running one program too many on my computer.

These are what I've bookmarked currently, with the latest topics on top. --->

It's a long list of websites I could go back to  when I need to finally write something, or meet a deadline. This list is partly fluff and partly important, work-related and non-work related, since unfortunately, unlike Evernote, this browser-ready feature doesn't have folders where I could organize what I've bookmarked into categories.

But it's still pretty efficient and I would recommend bookmarking and clipping to anyone who wants to get on track with writing.


Most people think Facebook is the devil. You could get lost in this site for hours doing mindless stuff like gossiping, fighting with someone over a silly status post, sending out passive-aggressive thoughts and stalking...among other things.

If there's one feature I like about Facebook is in following virtually any type of page that's on it.  These pages are goldmines of source materials for what to write about.

I think I have more than 1500 Pages "liked" now and I still browse over the suggestions Facebook provides because there could be something interesting there.  It has helped me lots of times with work, in fact.

To organize all these pages, I make use of Facebook's Interest feature. Don't know how to do it? Here's how (click photo to enlarge):

How to create an INTEREST list on Facebook

I basically picked this from one of the pages I follow, so see, being on Facebook can be productive and proactive!

And there it is...I finally was able to do today's blog entry! :D And even dished out tips. HAH!!

So, what about you, what do you do when you're stuck in a rut and can't begin writing?

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Stay Safe, Mindanao!

I no longer live there, haven't done so for the last 18 years,  but it's weird to see this image of that new typhoon threatening regions in Mindanao this week.
Typhoon Pablo's projected tracks in Mindanao

And for some reason, I can't go back to sleep. Like I also need to stand vigil, just in case we need to evacuate or something. Crazy, when I now live thousands of miles away in Luzon.

I was born and raised in Davao City and it didn't used to be this way in that region. When there are news of class suspensions because of a typhoon in Manila,  I used to have this tinge of envy knowing Manila kids can sleep longer and watch a lot of TV.  On a school day!

My grandmother, however, would always say we were quite lucky to be living in a region where there are no storms. I didn't understand what she meant by "lucky" until I moved permanently in Manila in the 90's, where I survived flooding (while 5-months pregnant) in '97 and I continue to witness how these recent storms and heavy rains can quickly paralyze and devastate my neighborhood.

These days, when classes are suspended, I get a tinge of irritation knowing my son is missing out on school. Of course, he would spend the rest of the day sleeping and sleeping coz --- I've since learned, living here for nearly two decades --- the storms normally cut the power off and you can't do much. (What? No TV???)

There's a wave of concern and worry going through me now, as updates on Typhoon Pablo's tracks pour in. Perhaps it's because I've lived through a number of flooding, I'm still traumatized by it. Or perhaps it's because I still have family and friends there who are, no doubt, growing frantic about what could possibly happen. It bothers me that they have to experience this. Pablo isn't a typical storm. If it were in the US, it would be a Category 5. Who wouldn't be freaked out by that?

Anyway, there's not a lot people can do when a storm hits but prepare and keep safe, or hope that the storm weakens or change its course and head to the sea.

People in Manila always get back on their feet as soon as the storm leaves. We're so used to it, I guess, that it really is part of living here. Those in Mindanao, however, are still coming to grips with this new reality. Binabagyo na rin ang Mindanao ngayon. Imagine that?! My Lola, if she were still alive, would think it impossible.

To those in Mindanao, I hope you are safe. The most important thing I've learned, stranded in a pool of murky water outside our village during Ondoy, is to have lots of good, clean water on standby.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Liking This Post Will Ensure Your Spot In Heaven

I am subscribed to a number of dog pages and groups on Facebook and every now and then, I get to read about plights of pets who have been voilated and abused by indecent human beings. These stories come with photos or videos and some of it can be disturbing. You know what I'm talking about. You've probably come across many of these yourself.

To some extent, watching or looking at the photos/videos is torturous and so heart-breaking that my husband would often wonder why I like subjecting myself to these.  It isn't that I like this...emotional porn. Sometimes, I do wonder why I follow these groups only to breakdown and lose sleep over updates I've read. But I believe in their cause and I am behind what they do; maybe also slightly envious, but grateful, that there are people who can volunteer for it.

Charitable groups on Facebook aren't just limited to pets. There are countless of legitimate organizations that really do what they can to spread and seek support for whatever advocacy they represent. Like the dog pages/groups I follow, they provide facts and information about what happened to the victim --- man, woman, child or animal --- and *properly detail* what people can do to help. This last part is what's really the most important one, I think.

And then there are certain groups that post images like this below:

1 Like = 10 Pray :(
1 Share = 1$
To which Boromir says:

Here's another image I've seen being reposted for a couple of years now:

Note that there really isn't a lot of information about who this child is, what happened to her and where people can extend their help for her. It's most likely that this came from a page or group that is not a charitable organization at all, and probably just a random page that wants to increase its member-base.

Too cool, but selfish?  More like uninformed and uneducated.

I know it's tempting to put something like this on our wall, because I get that it makes one feel good about "doing something". But reposting the image delivers false advocacy, a misguided sense for doing good, and probably even a kind of exploitation. How can reposting or liking an image change what happens to the victim? How do we really help the cause when there's hardly any information and all we're doing is liking and reposting?

The problems are real outside of these social media sites, which means we can 1) either resist reposting (or liking) as a slacktivist, or 2) actually be proactive and do something for these causes.

Often, people who actually do something --- like donate, contribute, sign-up, reach-out, or volunteer --- need not put it on their walls for friends to like and repost.

Like this post if you agree. :P

I Am Grateful That Thorns Have Roses

First post in December!

I'd like to make it a habit to start every month with a gratitude post...that is, if I can keep this blog going. *fingers crossed*

I'm on my second week of accomplishing this weekend gig of running an international women's site and it has been quite a joy to do. It was more than I could hope for.

When I saw the want-ad for this, I knew in my gut it was meant for me.  Despite the long and tedious process and the hassle of getting the contract signed, I really had set my sights on it. I did't let the dream go.

There are some quirks to the job, though. And small sacrifices have to be made. Like losing 22 hours of my weekends. Or having to sit loooooooong hours to do my work continuously, I feel my butt expanding again.

But these are minor stuff I could live with, when there are so many things I can learn from what I'm doing.

So, barring all that, thank you, Universe... for letting things fall where they should be.


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